
Op-Ed Reflection

When thinking about what I wanted to write for my Op-Ed I wanted to focus on a topic that I was passionate about while focusing on topics that were important to what is going on in America at the moment. When doing the rhetorical analysis assignment on other Op-Eds I was more interested in finding articles that opposed my position rather than supporting it. This way I would be able to have more knowledge on the other side’s viewpoints. In this case I picked an Op-Ed about anti-abortion and the way that the movement has changed and been shaped over decades. Through this I was able to see it from their point of view. It inspired me to want to write an Op-Ed about pregnant women and the mistreatment they face due to the healthcare system, along with how it affects them financially. With this topic I was able to address abortion while also touching on a broader topic being about the state of America’s healthcare system. I wanted to emphasize that while many republicans push for a higher birth rate in America and say they want to support the mother and the child, it is very contradictory because it is hard to even pay in order to birth a child. I wanted the audience to consider the fact that abortion shouldn’t be something a woman is ashamed of because many women struggle already with surviving on their own, and having a child on top of that doesn’t benefit either of them. Healthcare is an important topic to me personally because I have heard many similar stories of people choosing rent for one more month over pills and medication they need. Due to not having access to that, it leads to serious complications with their illnesses or even death. I am someone who has to take medication for epilepsy, and as someone who has struggled with seizures and other complications I am fortunate that I can pay for my medication. I can’t imagine what it’s like for someone who has the same condition as me, and how hard it would be for them to survive. 

When writing essays I usually struggle with the research part of it because there is a lot of information to keep track of. I liked that I was able to pick my own topic for this reason because I was able to have an opinion while supporting my points with actual evidence and statistics. I didn’t want my essay to sound like a report so I tried to impose a lot of my own personal opinions and views while also asking questions to the audience in order to provide thought provoking ideas. For me, starting to write is the most intimidating part of writing in general. I often feel intimidated by the requirements of the assignment and it makes me want to avoid writing the assignment all together. In order to combat this I try to organize the topics I am going to write about for each paragraph. The order in which I talk about these topics is important because it also allows me to plan ahead of time how I am able to control the way the writing flows. Again I try to avoid the essay or in this case the Op-Ed sounding like a report so the way I transition into new topics is important. 

Overall I did enjoy writing this Op-Ed because it allowed me to write about things that were important to me personally, while also allowing me to address political conflicts going on in the country right now.

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