
Community Essay Analysis

I wrote this essay because I have always loved horror, even as a young child. I noticed as I got older there were many varying opinions shared amongst horror fans. This interested me because there were many times I would see reviews for a new movie being super hyped up, then watching the movie I think it was absolutely terrible. There are also movies or even horror games which I think will not live up to the hype, but after experiencing them I become completely addicted. Theorizing or looking for hidden meanings in these works are what I feel make them so interesting.

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 In terms of how long it took me to write the essay, It took me about an hour or two to write the essay, mainly planning out the format as well as how it would be organized. The process I used while writing this essay was mainly coming up with what topics I wanted to address, and mapping out which paragraphs I’d address them in. I also liked to pick a more quiet and dark atmosphere to write in which is usually why I like to write at night. 

While planning out the content I wanted to discuss I focused more on how there are differing opinions amongst those in the horror community and how despite these differences we are all bought together with the fact that we like the genre. I also focused on how those who are not part of the community see it, and how they may not understand why it might be entertaining. I expressed how in my case it is more than the scare that intrigues me, it is also about the hidden meanings a viewer may not be able to catch upon experiencing for the first time. I also like seeing the way people interpret the writing itself, going into a deeper analysis of the topic.

When it comes to my writing overall I would have liked to improve the transition between paragraphs more because I think it jumps too quickly between topics. This is something I struggle a lot with essays in general and I feel like my points really start to come together when I have more organized writing ideas, and transitions.

I like the drafting process because it is very satisfying comparing the first draft to the final. I like receiving feedback from my friends and peers on my writing of what I should add or take away, because it gives insight into what your audience would like you to expand more on. After reading my first draft I usually don’t know what to change in my writing, but after taking a break from it for a couple hours to even days, I can come back and see a lot of changes that have to be made. 

I enjoyed writing this essay because usually in a lot of assignments I’ve written throughout college there is a specific topic that the professor wants you to address. I liked that this is more personalized and it is based on something that a student might be passionate about, outside of school. 

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